Pinakbet with Inihaw na Bangus (Kapampangan Style)

Craving for my Mom's Version of Pinakbet- Kapampangan Style. Good thing, I had leftover Inihaw na Bangus inside the ref. One quick phone call to my mom (to get the recipe!) and one quick trip to the market (to get the veggies) and I am ready to cook! Hope you enjoy cooking and eating this one as much as I did! Craving, satisfied! Kanyaman na! 


Inihaw na Bangus
Talong (bilog) 4 pieces
Camote 2 pcs., chopped into bite sized pieces
Sigarilyas 1 tali / bunch, sliced into 2 inch strips
Okra 8 pieces
Ampalaya (bilog) 5 pieces, sliced into half, leave on the seeds
Bunga ng Malungay about 5 pieces, remove peeling and cut into 2 inch strips
Garlic  5 cloves, minced
Onion 2 medium sized, chopped
Tomato 4 pieces, chopped
Bagoong Isda 1/3 cup
Water 1 cup

In a pan, sauté garlic, onion and tomatoes. Add the bagoong and water. Adjust the amount of water and bagoong according to taste. Gently place in the Bangus. Layer the vegetables. Place in the camote at the bottom of the pan. Next will be the bunga ng Malunggay and Talong. Then layer in the Ampalaya, Sigarilyas and Okra. Cover and simmer in very low heat. After five minutes, check the doneness of camote. Mix up the vegetables gently. Cover and simmer until vegetables are tender.


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